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KNOT Zine Publication 

For this project I explored the relationship between print and digital and their consumers and how the media is evolving to the changes in demand. I decided to approach these two opposing forms by creating a zine that can be read both digitally and physically in a cost effective way, turning the consumer into a prosumer. The reader is able to access the zine via the application which allows them to interact with the content, alternatively the reader can download and print the zine themselves from wherever they like. The 'Print-It-Yourself' Knot Zine is a submission based platform for up and coming creatives to display their work, with this first edition being a gallery for photographers. 

For the digital format I utilised the scrolling features of touch screen devices and formatted it as a long vertical page similar to a receipt or a social media newsfeed. Despite the restrictions of the paper formatting, the readers are able to construct it however they see fit.

Tags : Publication Design, Zine, App Concept

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