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'Hard AF' Publication :

The purpose of this publication is to start a conversation about masculinity and make it more of a common topic of discussion. In society there seems to be a lack of conversation about masculinity and male body image which is detrimental and stunts any positive change.  The concept behind ‘Hard AF’ is to visually communicate this lack of conversation on masculinity and male body image, particularly between men and help spark it.


Throughout the publication there is a mixture of monochromatic imagery and type that represent the two sides of one specific conversation. The type included in the publication are short quotes from a conversation between two young men, discussing this topic and comparing feelings. The design choices come from this idea of communication and discussion, going as far as the content being split in two halves, the central spread dividing the two men involved in the discussion. The thinner paper stock can be folded over and the reflected content can be read from two sides, helping the reader engage with the people surrounding, whether they are traveling on the tube, sitting on a park bench or lying on their sofa at home. ‘Hard AF’ wants that conversation to happen.

Tags :  Print, Editorial, Social Change

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